CLI Reference

Use the command-line tool to run tasks, show task status, cancel tasks and SSH into tasks.


elbo --help

(.venv) joy@elbo ~> elbo
Usage: elbo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]... - Train more, pay less

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  balance   Show the users balance
  create    Create an instance and get SSH access to it.
  download  Download the artifacts for the task.
  kill      Stop the task.
  login     Login to the ELBO service.
  notebook  Start a Jupyter Lab session.
  ps        Show list of all tasks.
  run       Submit a task specified by the config file.
  show      Show the task.
  ssh       SSH into the machine running the task.
  status    Get ELBO server status.

Start a notebook

elbo notebook

(.venv) joy@elbo ~/p/elbo-examples (main)> elbo notebook
elbo.client creating notebook using config at project ...
elbo.client cloning to /var/folders/8f/vcfd13292kl6p93zxf1yypl40000gn/T/tmpfl7mum90 ...
elbo.client Submitting notebook run config : /var/folders/8f/vcfd13292kl6p93zxf1yypl40000gn/T/tmpfl7mum90/notebook/elbo.yaml
elbo.client is starting 'Start a jupyter notebook' submission ...
elbo.client Hey Anu 👋, welcome!
elbo.client is uploading sources from /var/folders/8f/vcfd13292kl6p93zxf1yypl40000gn/T/tmpfl7mum90/notebook/....
elbo.client upload successful.

elbo.client number of compute choices - 28
? Please choose:  $ 0.4200/hour         Nvidia Quadro 4000   2 cpu     4Gb mem    8Gb gpu-mem FluidStack
elbo.client compute node ip
elbo.client task with ID 125 is submitted successfully.
elbo.client ----------------------------------------------
elbo.client ssh using - ssh root@ -p 2222
elbo.client scp using - scp root@ -p 2222
elbo.client password: BZ7qNxpVJAsAXEequQ
elbo.client ----------------------------------------------

elbo.client here are URLS for task logs ...
elbo.client setup logs        -
elbo.client requirements logs -
elbo.client task logs         -

elbo.client TIP: 💡 see task details with command: `elbo show 125`

elbo.client ⏳ It may take a minute or two for the node to be reachable.

elbo.client node started ..

elbo.client Notebook URL =

Run a task

elbo run --config <config_file_path>

(.venv) joy@elbo ~/p/elbo-examples (main)> elbo run --config pytorch/mnist_classifier/elbo.yaml
elbo.client is starting 'Train MNIST Classifier' submission ...
elbo.client Hey Anu 👋, welcome!
elbo.client is uploading sources from pytorch/mnist_classifier/....
elbo.client upload successful.

elbo.client number of compute choices - 27
? Please choose: (Use arrow keys)
 »  $ 0.0028/hour        Micro (for testing)   2 cpu     1Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 0.0150/hour     Standard (for testing)   1 cpu     2Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem Linode (~ 9 mins to provision)
    $ 0.0770/hour        Micro (for testing)   2 cpu     1Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem AWS
    $ 0.2700/hour           Nvidia Tesla K80   4 cpu    61Gb mem   12Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 0.7220/hour               Nvidia A4000   2 cpu     4Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem TensorDock
    $ 0.9000/hour           Nvidia Tesla K80   4 cpu    61Gb mem   12Gb gpu-mem AWS
    $ 0.9180/hour                Nvidia V100   8 cpu    61Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 0.9200/hour         Nvidia Quadro 5000   2 cpu     4Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem FluidStack
    $ 0.9600/hour               Nvidia A5000   2 cpu    16Gb mem   24Gb gpu-mem TensorDock
    $ 1.4940/hour                 Nvidia A40   2 cpu    12Gb mem   48Gb gpu-mem TensorDock
    $ 1.5000/hour         Nvidia Quadro 6000   8 cpu    32Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem Linode (~ 9 mins to provision)
    $ 1.5140/hour               Nvidia A6000   2 cpu    16Gb mem   48Gb gpu-mem TensorDock
    $ 2.1600/hour        8x Nvidia Tesla K80  32 cpu   488Gb mem   12Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 3.0000/hour      2x Nvidia Quadro 6000  16 cpu    64Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem Linode (~ 9 mins to provision)
    $ 3.0600/hour                Nvidia V100   8 cpu    61Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem AWS
    $ 3.6720/hour             4x Nvidia V100  32 cpu   244Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 3.7460/hour             7x Nvidia V100   6 cpu     8Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem TensorDock
    $ 4.3200/hour       16x Nvidia Tesla K80  64 cpu   732Gb mem   12Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 4.5000/hour      3x Nvidia Quadro 6000  20 cpu    96Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem Linode (~ 9 mins to provision)
    $ 6.0000/hour      4x Nvidia Quadro 6000  24 cpu   128Gb mem    0Gb gpu-mem Linode (~ 9 mins to provision)
    $ 7.3440/hour             8x Nvidia V100  64 cpu   488Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $ 7.9200/hour        8x Nvidia Tesla K80  32 cpu   488Gb mem   12Gb gpu-mem AWS
    $ 9.8318/hour             8x Nvidia A100  96 cpu  1152Gb mem   80Gb gpu-mem AWS (spot)
    $13.0360/hour             4x Nvidia V100  32 cpu   244Gb mem   16Gb gpu-mem AWS.

Cancel a task

elbo kill <task_id>

(.venv) joy@elbo ~/p/elbo-examples (main)> elbo kill 153
elbo.client Stopping task - 153
elbo.client Task with id=153 is marked for cancellation.

Show task attributes

elbo show <task_id>

(.venv) joy@elbo ~/p/elbo-examples (main)> elbo show 123
elbo.client Fetching task - 123
elbo.client Task with id = 123:
Billed Cost             : 0.2100000
Billed Upto Time        : 03/07/22 12:58
Bucket Key              :
Completion Time         : 03/07/22 12:58
Compute Type            : FluidStack None Nvidia Quadro 4000x1(8Gb) CPU=2(4Gb) Cost=0.42 Cost/Transistor=0.028767123287671233 CUDA Cores=2304
Config File Path        : None
Cost Per Hour           : 0.4200000
Created Time            : 03/07/22 12:27
Customer Billed         : True
Instance ID             : recbPXDkeuR3SBTV7
Instance Type           : Dedicated
Keep Alive              : True
Last Modified Time      : 03/07/22 12:26
Name                    : Start a jupyter notebook
Password                : ou4zebZ2XCoaMhdDrQ
Previous Task ID        : None
Provider                : FluidStack
Record ID               : 185
Requirements Log Path   :
Run Time                : 00h:31m:28s
SSH Only                : False
Session ID              : 6381c2c835e340f6957542720dee8d13
Setup Log Path          :
Status                  : Archived
Submission Time         : 03/07/22 12:26
Target File Path        :
Task ID                 : 123
Task Log Path           :
Total Cost              : 0.2170000
User ID                 :
ip                      :

Download task artifacts

elbo download <task_id>

(.venv) joy@elbo ~/p/elbo-examples (main)> elbo download 159
elbo.client Downloading Artifacts for - 159
elbo.client Artifacts for task id = 159 downloaded to /var/folders/8f/vcfd13292kl6p93zxf1yypl40000gn/T/tmp8uetxm69/elbo-3dc59be0e9b545378b6a679345175f1c-artifacts.tgz

Show running task

elbo ps -r

(.venv) joy@elbo ~> elbo ps -r
elbo.client your running tasks:
| Task ID | Compute Type | Cost Per Hour | Provider |     Start Time      | Status  |   Submission Time   |       Task Name        | Completion Time | Run Time | Total Cost |
|   153   | Economy GPU  |    0.0028     |   AWS    | 02/04/2022 14:26 PM | Running | 02/04/2022 14:25 PM |    SSH only session    |                 |          |            |
|   155   | Economy GPU  |    0.0028     |   AWS    | 02/04/2022 14:29 PM | Running | 02/04/2022 14:28 PM |    SSH only session    |                 |          |            |
|   156   | Economy GPU  |     0.27      |   AWS    | 02/04/2022 14:31 PM | Running | 02/04/2022 14:29 PM | Train MNIST Classifier |                 |          |            |
|   158   | Economy GPU  |     0.27      |   AWS    | 02/04/2022 15:05 PM | Running | 02/04/2022 15:04 PM | Train MNIST Classifier |                 |          |            |
|   159   | Economy GPU  |    0.0028     |   AWS    | 02/04/2022 15:45 PM | Running | 02/04/2022 15:45 PM | Train MNIST Classifier |                 |          |            |

SSH into a running task

(.venv) joy@elbo ~> elbo ssh 159
elbo.client Trying to SSH into task 159...
elbo.client SSH:
elbo.client Running Command : ssh root@ -p 2222
elbo.client Enter this password when prompted: elbo
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
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not required on a system that users do not log into.

To restore this content, you can run the 'unminimize' command.

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.


Show ELBO Server Status

(.venv) joy@elbo ~> elbo status
elbo.client Membership: ✅
elbo.client Database  : ✅
elbo.client Server    : ✅

Last updated